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Cheating Jason Aldean Divorce: New Song, Covers Merle Haggard After ‘American Idol’ Affair?

Now that Jason Aldean and his wife are getting a divorce, he is “Going Where the Lonely Go.” The “Night Train” singer is covering the Merle Haggard classic. However, he won't be singing the new song for too long. It has been revealed that Aldean allegedly cheated on his soon to be ex-wife, with former 'American Idol' contestant, Brittany Kerr.
  • CW’s New ‘100’ TV Show Renewed, ‘Star Crossed’ Cancelled? [PREDICTIONS]

    The CW has quite the roster of well loved TV shows. A large number of their series have already been renewed for next year. However, a few names were left off the list. The new 'Lord of the Flies' adaptation, 'The 100,' didn’t premiere until the renewal announcement, but things are starting to look up for the dystopian drama. However, things are not looking as good for the modern day, 'Romeo and Juliet' series, 'Star Crossed.' The show’s low ratings makes it a front runner for cancellation.
  • ‘HIMYD’ Cast On ‘HIMYM’ "Disappointing" Finale, Kids Keep Secret for 9 Seasons

    Now that 'How I Met Your Mother' has wrapped up it’s nine-year-long run, and the two kids who had to sit and listen to that story for nearly a decade are finally free to talk about it. The young cast members, who filmed their scenes back in 2005, had to keep the secret to the show’s big twist the whole time. Good thing that they didn’t spill the beans sooner, because many of the show’s fans have found the big twist to be “disappointing.” However, the new cast lead for the spin-off series, 'How I Met Your Dad,' Greta Gerwig, was very moved by the finale, although we are pretty sure that she is contractually obligated to love it.
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