Modern Family's Sofia Vergara's enviable boobs, are reportedly even to much for her to handle. The middle-age bombshell is getting a breast reduction before a snapped back leaves her in a wheel chair. The show has recently come under attack from small minded middle-America bigots, who claim the show's portrayal of a same-sex coupling is poisoning the minds of network television consumers. Jesse Tyler Ferguson claims that the gay wedding planned for the series is challenging to some viewers, because it shows homosexual love and life as no different form their own.
Some members of America's right wing hate the homosexuality portrayed on ABC's Modern Family almost as much as they love Sofia Vergara's impeccable chest.
But it's bad news bears for the lovers of hate speech, because they are about to get a lot more of the one and less of the other.
A source close to Sofia Vergara told FansShare, that the weight of her massive breasts has the star planning a breast reduction to save her back:
"Sofia still absolutely loves her body but she can't take the pain any longer. She has had back problems for a while now and has decided that the time is right to have a breast reduction.
"Don't worry though, they won't be too small and could even look better than they already do."
This will no doubt be even more fodder for the numbskull Bryan Fischer, who thinks that homosexuality is child abuse (via Huffington Post):
"Modern Family is designed to make you think that same-sex households are wonderful...the optimum nurturing environment for children.
"We know that social research indicates exactly the getting a little bit of poison over a long period of time, eventually getting enough accumulation in there where it can be kind of lethal to the organism.
"If you care about children, this thing ought to appall you because gay marriage is bad for children...In fact, same-sex a form of child abuse."
Jesse Tyler Ferguson told HuffPost Live that regardless of the backlash, Modern Family was hoping to change to the mind of Americans, but for the better:
"We're seeing a very intimate moment. Getting married in front of your closest friends and family is incredibly intimate. I'm really proud of the episode."
Let's hope that straight or gay, Brain Fischer gets his wish, and never knows the love of a supportive, unconditionally loving family like ABC's Modern Family.
After all that is what he wants for all or us.
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