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Fired David Letterman Replacement Rumors: Jay Leno, Chelsea Handler or Howard Stern, New ‘Late Show’ Host?
Now that David Letterman has announced that he is leaving 'The Late Show,' the internet is running wild with replacement rumors for who will replace the possibly fired host. With Jimmy Fallon killing it in the ratings, CBS is bound to pull out a big gun to take down the former SNL vet. So we have compiled a list of new host hopefuls, ranging all the way from Letterman’s arch-rival, Jay Leno, the controversial Chelsea Handler and the highly unlikely, but much wanted, Howard Stern. Check out our wish list below to see who you think should be the next big host. ‘Dr. Who’s’ Christopher Eccleson Cast in New HBO Series ‘Leftovers,’ Premiere Date Announced
HBO has a lot of good shows on the plate. However,with 'True Detective,' 'Game of Thrones,' 'Girls,' 'True Blood,' and plenty of other excellent series to wet your appetite, you are bound to have some 'Leftovers.' Now HBO has announced the premiere date for the new series, starring Justin Theroux and 'Dr. Who’s' Christopher Eccleson.