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Engaged Sofia Vergara 'Modern Family' Boyfriend Nick Loeb Split; Wedding Cancelled After Fiancé Cocaine Fueled Prostitute Parties [UPDATE RUMORS]

Formerly engaged 'Modern Family' star and topless bikini model mom Sophia Vergara is betrothed to fiancé Nick Loeb no longer. Sofia, who recently had a half-nude photo shoot from the late 90's resurface, claims on her Whosay blog to have dumped her boyfriend because of scheduling conflicts, but close friends are telling a different story. Apparently it is well known is some circles that naughty Nicky like's to party with high priced prostitutes and hard core drugs--like cocaine and ecstasy. So it seems the wedding may have been cancelled due to Nick's ability to get together with NYC hookers by the 3's and 4's and not as much to do with his inability to get on her time table.
  • ‘Crossbones’ John Malkovich 2014 TV Show Marvel Rescue: NBC Blackbeard Saves Real-Life Bleeding Toronto Man [VIDEO]

    NBC 'Crossbones' TV show Blackbeard, John Malkovich, played the role of real life hero last year in Canada, when he help saved a dying man's life on the streets of Toronto. The marvel thespeian was outside having a smoke last June 8, when he was alerted by the screams of Jim Walpole's wife. It seems Jim had accidently slit his own throat in a fall, bringing the 'Being John Malkovich' lead to the rescue. It is less apparent if John is going to be able to rescue the network's pirate series with his presence alone. The show's premiere was already delayed once, because producers felt that 'Hannibal's' Season 2 would bring more of a draw, which it didn't. Though 'Crossbones' did just as well as 'Hannibals' much improved second year 2014 ratings, the swashbuckling fantasy failed to perform as well as Showtime 'Tutors' royalty Jonathan Rhys Meyers' recently cancelled epic fail 'Dracula,' which premiered in the same time slot back in last October.
  • ‘Magic Mike XXL’ Bi Channing Tatum and Wife Jonah Hill News: Demands Oscar for Fat Baby [RUMORS]

    'Magic Mike XXL' bi-sexual stripper Channing Tatum surprised many by recently admitting in the news that he considered himself a highly functioning alcoholic, but you might be more shocked to hear that Jonah Hills on-screen wife is even hopping to get an Oscar. Rumor has it that Tatum is looking to pick up an academy award nomination--not for losing the tons of baby fat before filming '22 Jump Street'--for his upcoming performance as Olympic wrestler Mark Schultz in 'Foxcatcher.' If Channing Tatum isn't taken seriously in his new dramatic role, he can always fall back on the ridiculous ones he already has lined up. The Dear John star says he is super-close to shoring up the deal to play Marvel's Gambit not only in the next X-Men movies, but also in his few standalone films like the abominable 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine.'
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