Formerly engaged Modern Family star and topless bikini model mom Sophia Vergara is betrothed to fiancé Nick Loeb no longer. Sofia, who recently had a half-nude photo shoot from the late 90's resurface, claims on her Whosay blog to have dumped her boyfriend because of scheduling conflicts, but close friends are telling a different story. Apparently it is well known is some circles that naughty Nicky like's to party with high priced prostitutes and hard core drugs--like cocaine and ecstasy. So it seems the wedding may have been cancelled due to Nick's ability to get together with NYC hookers by the 3's and 4's and not as much to do with his inability to get on her time table.
Sofia Vergara has officially called of her engagement to longtime fiancé Nick Loeb due to what she refers to as a "problems with figuring out how to spend time together", but insisted that it there wasn't anything salacious going on (via Whosay):
"In order not to give the press the chance to invent crazy and harmful drama, I prefer to tell my fans personally that Nick and I have decided to be apart.
"We are still close but we believe [this] is the best thing for us right now."
According to reports in OK! Magazine, however, there was a little more to it than that; the publication talked to at least two different stripper/prostitutes, Cindy and Bianca respectively, who recounted one of the many "sexfests" that Nick has become known for, that they had the pleasure of attending:
"[Nick] takes large doses of Viagra and provides sex toys, lingerie and drugs, including ecstasy.
"He doesn't use it, he likes the girls to take it because he believe that it makes them enjoys sex even more.
"His favorite thing is to watch two women make love while he has sex with another girl...Anywhere from two to five girls, in a luxury hotel penthouse, with porn playing on all the TVs, lines of coke laid out and liquor flowing." maybe that family is just little too modern for Sofia, but she doesn't have to slander Nick's good name by insisting that he is too busy to see her.
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