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Amanda Bynes Schizophrenia Getting Better: Applying to Fashion School After Mental Health Breakdown [RUMORS]
Gwyneth Paltrow Divorce Rumors: Parties with Husband Chris Martin and Robert Downey Jr After ‘Vanity Fair’ Cheating Story Dies
Gwyneth Paltrow has apparently won the war against 'Vanity Fair.' The publication has reportedly killed the cheating story that they were planning to run. Now that the story is dead, Paltrow and her husband, Coldplay’s Chris Martin, are celebrating. The couple recently attended Jennifer Aniston’s tree trimming Christmas party alongside Robert Downey Jr. Is this enough to end the couple's divorce rumors? Tom Hiddleston’s New Movie ‘Crimson Peak’ with ‘SOA’s’ Charlie Hunnam and Ewan Mcgregor UNICEF Short Film Release [UPDATE]
Tom Hiddleston is quickly becoming one of Hollywood's hottest actors. Now the Disney prince is teaming up with 'Sons of Anarchy's' Charlie Hunnam in an all new horror movie. Fan girls everywhere are bound to riot when the two share the screen in Guillermo del Toro’s upcoming horror flick, 'Crimson Peak.' Meanwhile, Hiddleston is joining forces with Jedi Master Ewan Mcgregor in an all new short film for UNICEF. The pair pleas for help in a new video titled, 'No Place Like Home,' that was just released.