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'Transformers 4:' New Super Bowl Trailer Footage Announced After Tina Fey Bombs Michael Bay at Golden Globes

'Transformer 4: Age of Extinction' is one of the most highly anticipated new films of 2014. Fans who have been eagerly awaiting a new trailer might soon get their wish, as Michael Bay has promised us new footage during the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, Tina Fey made fun of the director's recent Samsung incident during the Golden Globes.
  • 'American Horror Story' Season 4 Theme Clue Hunt Countdown and 'Coven' Spin-Off [UPDATE]

    Well, Easter is still a few months away but have no fear scavenger hunt fans. The new clues are coming for the Season 4 of 'American Horror Story.' The hit FX series is wrapping up the last three episodes of its current season, 'Coven.' We also have an update on the rumored 'Coven' spin-off series.
  • Chris Evans New Movie 'Snowpiercer' Release Plea After Captain America Death Rumors

    Chris Evans is one of the hottest stars on the planet right now, so naturally it is hard to understand why Marvel might want to kill his character off in the upcoming 'Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier.' However, that is the latest rumor circling the film. Even more mind boggling is why The Weinstein Company has yet to release Evans' 2012 Korean-made movie 'Snowpiercer.' Now the minds behind the Free Loki solo movie petition are stepping up for the Avenger, to finally get the movie released. Denise Heard-Bashur, founder of Free Loki and Now Free Snowpiercer, and has released an exclusive press statement to us about the new petition.
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