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Damien Sandow Revolving Character Gimmick: Good Or Bad? WWE Creative Should Push Him

There are a lot of opinions about Damian Sandow's current revolving character gimmick. At best, it's an opportunity for comic relief in the middle of a card full of blood feuds. At its worst, Sandow's gimmick is potentially distracting, and potentially harmful to his ability to grow in the company. While it sometimes seems like a good idea executed poorly, other times it seems like Sandow is being punished for drunkenly groping Linda McMahon at a Christmas Party. The bottom line is, WWE Creative should push him, and while they shouldn't abandon his gimmick altogether, a few tweaks might be in order.
  • Show Off Dolph Ziggler Rising Star Gets Chance To Shine After SummerSlam Wins New Belt: Ric Flair Rub After Intercontinental Championship Title Run

    After toiling in purgatory for months, Dolph Ziggler is finally getting a chance to shine once again. The Showoff won the Intercontinental Title from the Miz last week at SummerSlam, which happened mainly because of a grass roots movement a la Daniel Bryan. Though Ziggler had been given horrible booking for months on end, he continued to perform in the ring with style and enthusiasm every time he stepped in the ring, and now the rising star is on his way back to the top. The new champion even got a rub from the legendary Ric Flair on RAW last week, who subsequently snubbed his former protégé, the Miz.
  • CM Punk Return: Mankind Speculates As Mick Foley Comments On Stone Cold Steve Austin's Podcast

    Although CM Punk's contract finally ran out last month and he is definitely not currently aligned with WWE, there is still speculation about the possibility of his return in the future. There seems to be animosity on both sides, but could cooler heads prevail in a year or two? Recently, Mick Foley and Stone Cold Steve Austin chatted on Austin's podcast, and the wrestler once known as Mankind (as well as Cactus Jack and Dude Love) made some comments on Punk's potential to come back to professional wrestling.
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