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Surfing Legend Kelly Slater Tributes Slain Teen Mike Brown Before Losing In Tahiti to Gabriel Medina
Legendary surfer Kelly Slater paid tribute to slain teen Mike Brown last week at the Billabong Pro Tahiti surf competition when he put his hands up, emulating Brown, who was shot multiple times by a police officer earlier this month. It wasn't enough to win the tournament, however. At the final on Tuesday, he was edged out by youngster Gabriel Medina. For, Slater, losing to the enthusiastic Medina might signal an end to his dominance in the sport. WWE Thoughts: Why Corporate Kane Is So Much More Dangerous Than Demon Kane [OPINION]
After WWE mainstay Glen Jacobs' most recent turn from "Demon Kane" to "Corporate Kane", there were surely grumbles about how stupid that was and how horrible WWE is. While wrestling's beauty is in its subjectivity, there is one important factor smarks seem to be overlooking when they complain about Kane. Actually, there are two. First, these fans were already groaning every time they saw Kane anyway. They are tired of the character who is supposed to be evil incarnate, but is really just a joke and is basically a jobber to the stars. The irony is, they miss the Kane from the 90's because he was dangerous, and Corporate Kane is actually much more dangerous than the watered down character we have come to expect.