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Retired CM Punk Return to WWE, Injured Champ Daniel Bryan Neck Surgery? [Rumors]
Princess Kate Middleton Pregnant Again Baby Bump Rumors: PHOTO Evidence and Morning Sickness Revealed?
It appears that Princess Kate Middleton may be pregnant again. Baby bump rumors are flying following the publishing of what a tabloid claims to be photo evidence! Not to mention, Kate's absence at a number of notable events has lead many to suggest that the Duchess is suffering from morning sickness. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Divorce Rumors: Booed at Cannes, After Jealous Fight, Diet Secrets [UPDATE]
After weeks of divorce rumors, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds were spotted together at Cannes. Unfortunately, it wasn't all good news for the couple who is rumored to be splitting over Ryan's jealous tendencies. According to multiple reports, Ryan Reynolds' new film was solidly booed at Cannes, while Blake Lively revealed a few secrets about how she stays in shape.