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Rocksteady Talks ‘Batman Origins’ Before ‘Arkham Knight’ Release: Deathstroke Vs Batmobile [NEXT GEN]
'50 Shades of Grey' Movie Cast News: Dakota Johnson, Charlie Hunnam, Rita Ora and Jamie Dornan to Blame for STDs?
Time for another news update about the cast of the upcoming 50 Shades of Grey movie. It turns out that Dakota Johnson, Rita Ora and Charlie Hunnam may be to blame for a rise in STDs. Charlie Hunnam dodged the bullet after he dropped out of the role of Christian Grey in the popular Fifty Shades franchise. Jennifer Aniston Pregnant Baby Bump Feud: Courteney Cox OUT, Fired Chelsea Handler IN [RUMORS]
Time for another update in the rumored Jennifer Aniston pregnant baby bump feud. Turns out that she and Courteney Cox are on the outs, while Chelsea Handler, who was recently fired, is in.