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After Cop Attack, Arrest, Ex NFL James Hardy III In Jail Again

After being arrested a few weeks ago on public disturbance and resisting arrest, James Hardy III is back in jail again for missing his court date. The ex NFL player was arrested Sunday May 4 and stunned with a taser after becoming aggressive with police.
  • Ear-Biting Olivo Fired After Dodgers Dugout Fight, Alex Guerrero Surgery

    The LA Dodgers' triple-A ball club just fired catcher Miguel Olivo for biting off teammate Alex Guerrero's ear last week in a dugout fight. Guerrero, who has undergone surgery to try to recover the ear, is expected to return, though there is no time table.
  • Weight Watchers' Charles Barkley Fat Jokes San Antonio Women Continues [UPDATE][VIDEO]

    NBA analyst and Weight Watchers spokesman Charles Barkley has always been outspoken. Frankly, he has been doing the same San Antonio women spiel for years. While it was never ok, it is understandable that Barkley would dig in his heels now. As the controversy continues, and people continue to watch his program on TNT, Barkley really only benefits from the continued criticism. The fat jokes probably won't stop, and what you're stuck with is the stubborn old man who won't change his ways.
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