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‘View’ Cast News: Rosie O’Donnell Wife Angry after Whoopi Goldberg Fight; Rosie Perez Talks TV Show “Catfight”? [VIDEO NEWS]
Bill Cosby and Wife Camille to Confess to Scandal Allegations Facts in Oprah Interview? [ACCUSERS NEWS]
As things continue to get worse and worse for Bill Cosby's personal reputation and professional career, his fans and critics alike expect that before long the aging comedian will be forced to take an interview addressing the many accusations of rape that has surfaced since Hannibal Burress first brought attention to the scandal several weeks ago. According to the latest gossip news updates, Oprah is a shoo-in to land the honor of talking to Cosby. Word has it that besides already having a friendly relationship with Bill and his wife Camille, the Jell-O pudding salesman is said to believe the Winfrey is the only one that will give hive the chance to separate the allegations from the facts. Meanwhile in addition to having his deals with Netflix and NBC fall through, Bill has the mayors of Ontario suggesting that his upcoming performances be cancelled. Khloe Kardashian Divorce Final, NEW Rob Kardashian Photos Hit Instagram? [RUMORS]
It looks like Khloe Kardashian's divorce from Lamar Odom may be finalizing shortly, if it hasn't already. A new report suggests that Khloe may have ended her troubled marriage, shortly after posting a new photo of herself and Rob Kardashian to Instagram. The black and white photo shows much younger versions of the reality show siblings.