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President Barack Obama Iggy Azalea ‘Fancy’ Dub After Jimmy Fallon Neil Young Cover, Before Ariana Grande ‘Problem’ Video [YOUTUBE] [BARACKDUBS]
‘Lego Movie’ Chris Pratt Steals Marvel ‘Guardians of The Galaxy’ Star-Lord Costume To Save Sick Kids [VIDEO]
Chris Pratt is taking his new job as a superhero pretty seriously. The 'Jurassic World' and 'Lego Movie' star has admitted to stealing his Star-Lord suit from 'Guardians of The Galaxy,' but something tells us Marvel won’t mind. Pratt stole the suit to help save sick children. During a recent interview Pratt admitted to taking the costume in order to visit children in hospitals. Check out the video of Pratt’s interview with Panzer below: New Mega Millions Lottery Totals Top $100 Million For Friday August 8 Game, Check Totals Before You Buy Tickets
Before you head and out to watch 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' tomorrow night, you might want to stop by the store and grab a Mega Millions lottery ticket. The new drawing for Friday, August 8th’s new game have risen above the $100 million mark. Check out the report below to see just how big the game has gotten.