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CW ‘Arrow’ Producer Talks Mid-Season Stephen Amell Ollie Queen Death, Lazarus Pit and Ra’s al Ghul Shirtless Fight Scene [SPOILERS]
‘Fast and Furious 7’ News: Paul Walker Death Crash Car Thief Sentenced; ‘GoT’ Nathalie Emmanuel Joins Cast [RUMOR NEWS]
Fans of the 'Fast and Furious' franchise will be happy to know that both thieves responsible for stealing the roof off the super-car Paul Walker died in last year have been brought to justice. According to the latest gossip news updates, Anthony Janow and an accomplice waited at the crash site of the 'Fast and Furious 7' star's tragic death for the wrecker to tow the Carrera GT away and then followed it to a stop light were they literally lifted the top of the truck before making their getaway. The cops caught the crooks thanks in part to their posting a picture of the roof on Twitter. In a related story, one more new star has been announced via the 'Furious 7' Facebook page. Game of Thrown slave girl, Nathalie Emmanuel has joined the cast, but nothing is known about her character's role in the film just yet. 'Redneck Island' Host Stone Cold Steve Austin Is Back; Can CMT Reality Show Overcome Hulk Hogan Feud?
Stone Cold Steve Austin established himself as a hardboiled beer drinker straight off the forklift during his time in the WWE. According to sources, after his retirement from the league, the legend felt unfulfilled and decided to get back into showbusiness. Now, Austin's show Redneck Island is in full swing. However, can Stone Cold move past his recent feud with Hulk Hogan?