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Gwen Stefani ‘Voice’ Divorce News: Gavin Rossdale Threatens Net Worth?
‘American Ultra’ Max Landis: Ariana Grande ‘One Last Time’ Director Talks ‘Fantastic 4’ Script
Everyone has probably heard by now that the new Fox 'Fantastic Four' reboot has bombed big time at the box office. However, director Josh Trank’s 'Chronicle' cohort Max Landis (known to some younger fans as the guy who directed Ariana Grande’s music video for “One Last time”) had his own plans for the franchise. The American Ultra writer recently opened up about his planned 'Fantastic Four' trilogy, including a much more friendlier Dr. Doom. Boston Pokemon World Championship Terror Attack: Police Arrest Two Men with AR-15 &12 -Gauge
Tragedy was averted over the weekend when two would be gunmen threatened a Pokemon World Championship tournament in Boston. Two Iowa men, suspected of intending to harm tournament goers, were arrested after a search warrant revealed that car contained severl weapons including, an AR-15, and a 12-gauge shotgun which were unlicensed. Lucky, much a real life Team Rocket, the duo were thwarted before they inflict any real acts of terror.