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Jessica Lange Quits ‘American Horror Story’ Season 5: Confirms Exit After ‘Freak Show’ Before Hotel [SPOILERS]
K-Pop Idol Kim Hyn Joong of SS501 Enlists in Military After Pregnancy Scandal
K-Pop idol Kim Hyun Joong of the band SS501 has decided to enlist in the military on March 31. This news comes as a shock after it was reported that his agency was looking into postponing his enlistment for a second time. Many believe his postponement was due to the shocking news that he had gotten an ex-girlfriend pregnant. Will Batman Ben Affleck Return To ‘MallRats 2’ After Rape Jail Sentence? Jennifer Garner Working After Divorce Rumors [UPDATE]
You know what the world needs, more 40-50 year old men hanging out in malls, and that is just what we are getting in 2016 when Kevin Smith brings us 'Mallrats 2.' Smith recently teased the sequel 1994 film on twitter. This of course has many wondering if 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'star Ben Affleck will reprise his character, Shannon Hamilton, who was arrested for statutory rape at the end of the first film. Speaking of Affleck’s, after years of divorce rumors, Jennifer Garner has decided to put more focus on returning to work.