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Netflix Defends Offensive Adam Sandler ‘Ridiculus 6’ After Actor Walkout

Adam Sandler’s upcoming Netflix flick, 'The Ridiculous 6' is already getting a lot of attention and not in a good way. The film, which spoofs westerns like 'The Magnificent 7,' may have taken their satire a little too far. One actor, Native American Loren Anthony, walked off the set, after taking offence to some of the films jokes made at the expense of Native American women. Now, Netflix has released a statement defending the film as over the top parody that should not be taken seriously.
  • ‘Suicide Squad:’ Is Common Cast As Black Manta or Green Lantern John Stewart?

    It was recently announced that acclaimed rapper and actor Common (Lonnie Lynn) was cast in DC Comics upcoming 'Suicide Squad' film in an unknown role. Of course this has sent fans a spin, speculating on who Common might be playing. Common was reportedly once attached to play Green Lantern John Stewart in a failed attempt at making a 'Justice League' film. It was also recently revealed that Stewart is expected to appear in the upcoming 2017 'Justice League' movie. However, Stewart’s involvement in the 'Suicide Squad' is a bit of stretch. It is also rumored that Common could be playing Aquaman villain Black Manta, who is actually a member of the Squad in the comics. Lets look closer at both of the characters to see what might be ahead for DC Comics fans.
  • ‘Cap America 3’ Chris Evans & Hawkeye Jeremy Renner Slut Shame Black Widow ScarJo?

    'Avengers 2: Age of Ultron' stars Chris Evans (Captain America) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) are in a bit hot water with fans after they slut shamed Scarlett Johansson character The Black Widow. While on the press tour the two male Avengers, referred to their female team member as a “slut,” and a “whore: for expressing a romantic intrest in Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk.
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