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Best Actor Bradley Cooper and Chris Kyle’s Wife Taya Talks ‘American Sniper’ After Box Office Millions
Legendary Tony Stewart Buys Sprint Cup Series and Returns to Nascar After Absence, Leg Injury
Tony Stewart is one of the most feared racers in Nascar. Throughout his career, he has won multiple titles and competed in many different divisions. Recently, Stewart announced that he is pain free for the first time in two seasons, and he'll soon be climbing back into his number 14 Chevrolet. Also, Stewart will not be returning to Sprint Cup racing, so instead, he went out and bought the entire series. NY Giants Eli Manning ATTACKS Rival Quarterback Tom Brady Over Deflate-Gate Scandal Obsession
Like his brother Payton, Eli Manning is known for his great skill and integrity. He holds many records, and when he talks, people tend to listen. In turn, it was interesting to learn of Eli's opinions on the Deflate-Gate scandal. Apparently, Tom Brady's obsession with PSI stands out as fishy to the Giants' star. Also, when it comes to pounds of pressure, sources are claiming that multiple balls involved in the investigation had significantly less than the required minimum.