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5 Family Friendly Movies That Say Peace for Paris in the Wake of Tragedy [WATCH]
Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher Feud Over Politics, Religion and Foul Language (WATCH)
Two of the most controversial commentators in America, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher -- of HBO's "Real Time" -- went toe to toe last week during a "Late Show" interview on two of the comedians' favorite topics: politics and religion. At some point during the feud, foul language entered into the mix and there was a cacaphony of bleeps intermingled with words that actually made sense, few though there were. Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber Christmas Together?
Right now everyone is talking about Selena Gomez reportedly having a new boyfriend in 22-year-old sales and marketing executive Samuel Krost, but word has it that the "Same Old Love" singer isn't through with her ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber, just yet. According to the latest gossip news updates, Selena and the Biebs were even hoping to get together the Thanksgiving and Christmas, but their hectic schedules have kept them apart. Despite their being too busy hang out for the holidays, Selena and Justin are said to be planning to exchange gifts sooner than later.