Taking a cue from Salman Khan and Aamir Khan, Ranbir Kapoor promises to bulk up to play jailed Bollywood actor, Sanjay Dutt, in an upcoming biopic. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, Ranbir will start an intense training regiman in order to get into shape for the film. Concerns have been whispered about Ranbir as a result of recent health concerns that both Khans have suffered as a result of their radical body restructuring.
FilmiBeat brings this quote from Ranbir about his intent, "'When I'll start Rajkumar Hirani's biopic on Sanjay Dutt, I will try to be like him, get his body type... He had put on some weight too... I don't know how much weight I'll put on. When the discussions will begin regarding the film maybe then I'll decide, As an actor, it is our responsibility that when we come on screen people say its something different... It's important to have a physical transformation on screen."
Making people worry about Ranbir hurting his health is the trouble that Aamir Khan is having by reports. Television personality, Gautam Gulati, tweeted this upon meeting Aamir in the airport, "Now what do i say about this man, met him after years and we were in the same flight and how he gives respect to people is such an amazing thing about him. He has put on 30 kgs and not feeling good, breathing problem because of putting on weight and can't even walk properly....but look at his dedication toward his job, India mei aur kaun hai jo is level per mehnat karte hai."
Not only is Ranbir potentially risking his health, but it is a questionable role to take, at best. Sanjay Dutt currently serves time in jail on weapons' charges relating to terrorist incidents that occured in India. Ranbir, however, wants to pay tribute to the man he calls a friend. From The Indian Express, Ranbir says, ""I have grown up around him. So, we are that friendly. On my birthday he gifted me a Harley Davidson. We are that close."
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