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Nintendo Wii U ‘Titanfall:’ ‘Mario Kart 8’ Bundle After Xbox One, Free ‘Zelda’ and ‘Super Brothers’ [VIDEO]
‘Today’ Show Katie Couric Wedding Postponed; Duets with Idina Menzel; Matt Lauer Braces for Ann Curry Book Backlash
Former 'Today' show host and soon to be Yahoo! 'Global News' anchor Katie Couric is apparently just to busy getting ready for her new show, and performing with friends like Idina Menzel to plan her wedding. America's early morning sweetheart has postponed her summer scheduled nuptials to John Molner, while she preps for her new gig. Her old friend and co-worker Matt Lauer is reportedly in a panic as he prepares for the eventual backlash from book-turned-movie that chronicles his role in having Ann Curry fired from the program. Paula Patton and Robin Thicke Divorce Split; “Blurred Lines” Singer Cheats Again; Wife Can’t Forgive Philandering
"Blurred Lines" singer, philandering Robin Thicke, apparently doesn't mind making up with his wife Paula Patton as long as he still gets to cheat. Though Robbie has been asking forgiveness during the concerts, he has reportedly been taking girls home by the half-dozen after the shows. Rumor has it that Paula is looking to make the divorce legally official following revelations that Thicke has been sleeping with other women since they announced their split.