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HBO ‘Newsroom’ Series Finale Spoilers: Jeff Daniels and John Gallagher Jr Perform ‘How I Got To Memphis’ [VIDEO] [SPOILERS]

Major Spoiler Alert: Last night HBO aired the finale episode of Aaron Sorkin’s 'The Newsroom.' One moment that stuck out during the episode, and series for that matter, was when the cast took a moment from walking and talking long enough to sit and sing. After Charlie’s (Sam Waterston) memorial service, Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) and Jim Harper (John Gallagher, Jr, not the guy from 'The Office') performed a moving rendition of Tom T. Hall’s “How I Got to Memphis.” If you missed it than good news, some charitable souls (or bloodthirsty pirates) took some videos of the scene and put them online for you to watch.
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