ABC’s fairy-tale drama Once Upon A Time aired its mid-season finale this past weekend, and it wasn’t a happy ending for everyone. Things didn’t work out so great for Mr. Gold/Rumple (Robert Carlyle) who was kicked out of Storybrooke, by his true love, Belle. Now, Carlyle is opening up about the Dark One’s downfall, and his addiction to magic.
Robert Carlyle recently spoke to Access Hollywood coming so close to a happy ending, but ruining it all:
“He’s certainly not happy about it. But, the problem is he’s an addict, you know, he’s addicted."
They say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. So what is Rumple addicted to? Gold? Straw? Pixie Dust? Carlyle
went on to explain, adding:
"He’s actually addicted to magic, he’s addicted to the power. That has been his life for hundreds of years, even before he met her. And it's still -- even after he had met her, it’s still the thing that drives him, so even though he loves her, and he does no doubt, he loves her more than anything, he just can’t let that go. That’s his Achilles heel, you know, that addiction to power. He has trouble moving on to another life."
Do you think that Rumple will be about to change the story and take back his happy ending? Do you want Rumple to get back with Belle? What do you think about Rumple teaming up with the Queens of Darkness? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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