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Indian Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Neidu Says Aamir Khan Hurt India
It's ironic. Aamir Khan has stirred up the clouds of intolerance and really been proved right in his assessment of the rampant intolerance in India. Now, a professed friend of Khan's is jumping on his back about the comments he has made. Indian Union Urban Development Minister, Venkaiah Neidu, said in a speech before the 6th Bharatiya Chattra Sansad (Indian Students Parliament), organised by MIT College, that he considered Aamir Khan a friend, but he hurt his country and offended a great many people, himself included. I Have a Confession: I am Really Looking Forward to Watching 'Gods of Egypt'
In an era of films that are taking comic book worlds and adding in a healthy helping of grit and gloom, it is nice to see a film take little ideas from mythology and run wild with them. 'Gods of Egypt' may be one of my top anticipated films of 2016!