LISTEN: Spike Jonze and Arcade Fire's Oscar 2014 Nominee 'her' Soundtrack Contends for Best Original Score
Era of the "Fat Lady" is Over, Says American Soprano Danielle de Niese
The American soprano Danielle de Niese, has told the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the era of the "fat lady" stereotype in opera is over. Or rather that it has no basis in fact, though it might linger in the media and people's imaginations. Tweet Seats Phenomenon Reaches Down to Musica Viva Australia (#musicaviva2014)
Limelight magazine, recently saved from closure by a last-minute new publisher, reports that Musica Viva Australia has introduced "tweet seats." It's an increasingly popular facility that allocates seats to dedicated tweeters, who send out their messages during a performance and urge their own followers and online connections to spread the word.