Robin Williams Remembered through Television and Film
Brazilian Bus Magnate Zero Freitas Buying Up Records for All-Purpose 'Emporium Musical' Library
Perhaps the reincarnation of Alan Lomax, or just a messiah to the entire music collector community, Zero Freitas has slightly become an enigma with his extensive music library that he is now attempting to make into a non-profit. A wealthy businessman with too much time on his hands, perhaps, has led to an uncanny musical expedition determined to catalog every record in the world. LONGREADS: Upcoming Zoe Saldana-as-Nina Simone Bio Pic Sparks Debate, Claudia Roth Pierpont Delves Back Into History
a new movie has sparked some controversy--and the film hasn't' even premiered to the public. The issue of color is still at the forefront of the battalion, as some feel that the actress, Zoe Saldana, doesn't measure to the dark scale that Simone boasted. It may not have been that Nina Simone was so much African-American as she was outwardly proud of it and her physical characteristics, and the community wonders how an actress of lighter skin tone can compare.