Bollywood is rallying around jailed actor Sanjay Dutt as he prepares for his release from jail February 27. Bollywood, as a whole, has long voiced its support for the actor and many have greeted the news of his early release wholeheartedly. Dutt, you may remember, was arrested in April 1993 for possessing two illegal firearms and he served time for that and was eventually granted bail. In 2007, the Indian Supreme court found him guilty of possessing arms relating to the 1993 Mumbai blast and they threw the book at him, sentencing the actor to five years hard labor.
According to the Times of India, "Dutt is being given remission as per the jail manual after clearance from the Home department. Minister for State (Home) Ranjit Patil signed the file allowing Dutt's release, without penalising him for reporting late from his furlough in January 2015." Which is great news to such actors as Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan Shah Rukh Khan amoong others. Legendary producer Boney Kapoor has already offered Dutt work for when he gets out. As has a powerful friend of Dutt's Salman Khan.
But, before any of that can happen, the court has to decide on a petition filed by Pradeep Bhalekar to stop Dutt's release. Not connected to the case in any way (That's how the Indian justice system works) Bhalekar believes Dutt is getting undue special treatment just because he is famous and is alleging that Dutt used pay offs to selected officials as a means of gaining his release. According to a different article on the Times of India, "The petition also levels an allegation against a senior prison official that he favoured Dutt and demands an inquiry into the official's assets."
A hearing is scheduled for next week.
Can Dutt step back into acting and everyday life without much difficulty is the biggest question. What is for certain is that he has a big team, full of important Bollywood stars, in support of him.
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