Actor Aziz Ansari from Netflix's new hit show, Master of None, appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon earlier this week for a second installment of his hilarious Bobby Jindal impersonation. The impersonation was very well received the first time Ansari did it for Fallon fans a few weeks back. So, when Jindal bailed out of the 2016 presidential race, Fallon brought Jindal back one more time for the announcement and to let us know what is in store next.
Those who saw Ansari's first interview as Jindal on The Tonight Show got a crash course in who Jindal is. However, for those of you who do not follow politics and don't live near Louisiana, here are the basics of just who Bobby Jindal is, especially since Ansari's accent is nowhere close to a Louisiana accent. Mr. Jindal is a two-term Louisiana governor who, up until Tuesday of last week, was one of the Republican candidates running for President. If you would like, you can watch the original interview below.
The most recent interview started with a vibrant Ansari, saying, "This is crazy! I've never been invited back to a TV show before!" The opening line is reminiscent of the start of the previous interview in which he was surprised to be on national TV at all since he is more used to being on C-Span at 2 in the morning.
The Jindal caricature then proceeds to clarify that he is not quitting the campaign so much as putting it on pause. "Now, Jimmy, for the record, I'm not ending my campaign, I'm just suspending it." He explains this concept with the help of a Star Wars analogy. "You remember when Jabba the Hut lowered Han Solo into that vat and he came out looking like he was stuck inside a giant metal candy bar, and then years later, they thawed him out and he was like, 'Whoa, what did I miss?'"
His new campaign slogan? "Jindal 2020: Thaw It Out!"
When asked what he would do next, Ansari's bubbly character responded with an explanation of a new Fox television show he plans to star in called, BJ's Across America. The look on Fallon's face prompted Jindal to say that his family responded in much the same way. I can't imagine why. The only thing more shocking is when he presents the truly disturbing nude concept art he painted to The Tonight Show audience.
The whole thing is hilarious until you realize that painting is actually out there somewhere, right now.
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