The 2002 hit-and-run case against Salman Khan took an interesting turn, when a private investigation revealed that the Maharashtra government does not have any information regarding Khan’s now infamous hit and run. A query by Mansoor Darvesh, a city-based RTI activist, revealed that the files were lost in a 2012 fire. Do recent discoveries point to arson?
“I had filed the RTI query to the two departments seeking information on the total number of counsels, lawyers, solicitors, legal advisors, public prosecutors, etc. engaged and appointed by the state government to fight the case,” Darvesh said
Darvesh had sought to find out from the state Law and Judiciary Department the names and total number of legal experts that the state government in Mantralaya used on the Khan case but was informed that all files pertaining to the case had burned in a June 21, 2012 fire that engulfed the state secretary’s building.
Darvesh sought how much the government had spent in from 2002 until May 6th of this year in its bungled attempt to prosecute Khan. According to Darvesh, he was given the run around.
“The government had promised to the people that all files that got destroyed in the fire will be reconstructed. But, here is a blatant example of the inefficiency of the government. There might be many more such important cases that will reach no conclusion as we do not know the facts of those cases," Darvesh told PTI.
In a stunning twist on the whole affair, city RTI activists have claimed the fire was no accident. In a follow-up article on Indian –
“RTI activist Anil Galgali of NGO Athak Seva Sangh has written to the Mumbai Police Commissioner demanding a detailed investigation in the matter.
In his letter,Galgali has alleged that the reason for the fire at Mantralaya was negligence on the part of Public Works Department (PWD) and General Administrative Department (GAD).”
“I had filed the RTI query to the two departments seeking information on the total number of counsels, lawyers, solicitors, legal advisors, public prosecutors, etc. engaged and appointed by the state government to fight the case,” Darvesh said
Darvesh had sought to find out from the start law and Judiciary department
The names and total number of legal experts that the state government in Mantralaya used on the Khan case but was informed that all files pertaining to the case had burned in a June 21 2012 fire that engulfed the state secretary’s building.
Darvesh sought how much the government had spent in from 2002 until May 6th of this year in its bungled attempt to prosecute Khan. According to Darvesh, he was given the run around
“The government had promised to the people that all files that got destroyed in the fire will be reconstructed. But, here is a blatant example of the inefficiency of the government. There might be many more such important cases that will reach no conclusion as we do not know the facts of those cases," Darvesh told PTI.
In a stunning twist on the whole affair, city RTI activists have claimed the fire was no accident. In a follow-up article on Indian
“RTI activist Anil Galgali of NGO Athak Seva Sangh has written to the Mumbai Police Commissioner demanding a detailed investigation in the matter. In his letter,Galgali has alleged that the reason for the fire at Mantralaya was negligence on the part of Public Works Department (PWD) and General Administrative Department (GAD).”
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