A mutual admiration society has risen up between Bollywood bad boy Salman Khan and American actor and icon Sylvester Stallone. It started with Khan's admission that he has always idolized the actor and action star. Khan recently came out on the social media site Twitter to let it be known he is following the legendary Hollywood actor's lead in life and now on Twitter as well, something he rarely does.
"I've always followed him in life but my fault not on social media," Khan wrote on his Twitter account.
Khan made bodybuilding trendy in Bollywood circles, and other actors have taken note and buffed up as well. He called upon his 12 million fans to follow the 68-year-old actor, writing:
"If there is a Hollywood star you should follow, then follow Sylvester Stallone. He is the hero of your hero."
Stallone was more than flattered by the attention from Khan. So much so, that the American actor suggested they should do a movie together.
"Would like to thank the super talented Indian superstar SALMAN KHAN the Compliment he Tweeted! We should do an ACTION FILM together!" was Stallone's response.
Khan, however, has a long way to go before that can ever come to be. As much as fans worldwide love to see that pairing come to fruition , Khan still is not completely free of his 2002 hit-and-run trial. Another hearing is coming on the 15th of July and it could go a long way in determining the actor's future plans.
However, it is a lovely dream to think about and wonder what if. Right now, it lies in the hands of the Indian justice system and what course of action they decide to take with Khan.
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