Shilpi Sharma met Kamaal Khan in 2004, two years after Kaamal was questioned by police about the hit and run incident involving Salman Khan, no relation, that left one dead and five injured. Shilpi first met Kamaal in 2004 on the set of Rahul Rawail's Jo Bole So Nihaal..
Kamaal, who is a British national, was like family to the Khans. Though he gave a statement to the police on the night saying that Salman was the one driving the car, he never testified in open court, nor was he probably going to. In 2008, Kamaal left the country under mysterious circumstances.
"We were both starting our acting careers together and instantly connected. He was quite charming and I soon fell madly in love," reminisces Shilpi who has since quit acting.
Their relationship developed but it was an unwritten rule that they did not talk about that night. Kamaal wouldn't offer a response if Shilpi queried."He'd get agitated if I mentioned the hit-and-run case, so I never probed. I got to know him two years after the incident and the unspoken rule was that we'd never talk of it," Shilpi told The Mirror on the phone.
Kamaal would travel back and forth between Mumbai and London, where his mother and brother lived, all the while the pending case against Salman his brother, if not in blood then in spirit, was nearing. In 2006, Kamaal and Shilpi would move in together
They began to fight more but nothing too serious that "I'm sorry" couldn't fix.
Then, one day Kamaal left and never came back
"Kamaal's sudden disappearance caused me great embarrassment since I'd given up film offers to be with him. Maybe he had reasons. In a weird way, it gave me closure but also shattered my faith in men and relationships," she admits, insisting she hasn't followed the Salman Khan trial. "I have nothing to do with it."
And Kamaal is still gone.
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