Bollywood babe, actress Shraddha Kapoor, has admitted to being in love with Varun Dhawa. The two appeared together in ABCD 2. While shooting a scene in the US, the actress remembered how she had feelings for her co-star, only she was 8 years old. Shraddha spoke about it, "I was only eight, and I had a crush on Varun. So, I thought I should just tell him. I decided to say 'I love you' backwards. So, I told Varun that I am saying a sentence backwards, and he must listen carefully. Then I said 'You - love - I'. I think it was too complicated for a little boy to understand because he gave me a stern 'No', and just ran away from there. It's been a joke between us ever since."
Even though rumors suggest that Shraddha is dating Aditya Roy Kapur, it has not diminished her feelings for Varun. "We were shooting for a romantic song in a beautiful mountainous location, and suddenly, I burst out laughing when I remembered what had happened when I had professed my love to Varun years ago," says Shraddha.
Filming ABCD 2 was fun for Shraddha. She is a big admirer of Varun's acting abilities and his hard work. Already familiar with him and his abilities and passion, Shraddha was able to slip into character very easily and play off Varun with relative ease.
The film looks to do big business in India. The sequel to ABCD, this film is pure Bollywood escapism.
As for Varun, Shraddha had this to say, "Varun is fantastic and he is very passionate about what he does. He is very hardworking, positive and enthusiastic. He was always very supportive towards me. It was the first time I was dancing in a film and he was very encouraging, which made it easier for me."
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