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Engaged Sean Penn Fiancé Charlize Theron Admits to Wanting Have Kids with Boyfriend? [NEWS]

The South African beauty and her iconic Hollywood boyfriend never have been much for talking about their private lives, but reportedly engaged Charlize Theron is so happy right now in her personal life that she can hardly contain herself. According to the latest gossip news updates, the Mad Max actress recently admitted that she would love nothing more than to have a baby or two with Sean Penn. The buxom blonde bombshell doesn't seem to be pressuring her new fiancé so much as letting the world know that if the Mystic River Oscar winner should ever want to hear the pitter-patter of several sets of tiny feet running in unison again, all he has to do is say the word.

Ever since it was announced last year that Charlize Theron and Sean Penn were an actually Hollywood item, the it couple has been understandably reluctant to give the media too much information about their relationship, but now that things seems a little more stable, the leading lady and her beau are being more candid than ever.

While any questions about having kids with Penn would have surely met a surly response from either of the pair six months ago, Charlie seemed to have little problem with telling Italian magazine, IO Donna, that she is now very much looking forward to the possibility of one day having a baby or two with the new love of her life (via TimesLive):

"Yes. I always wanted to have children.

"Now I am happier, wiser and definitely more at peace with myself. But I wouldn't like to remain always the same. I like to change and evolve."

The best part of her relationship with Sean, says Theron, is the feeling like they've known each other forever, because they actually have been fairly close friends for the better part of 2-decades:

"In general, you are attracted by people who thinks like you, and have the same interests.

"If we add that this 'man' that you would like to know everything about is also an old friend of mine, and that our conversation has gone on for 18 years."

Even though Charlize feels like their relationship has been a longtime in the making, the 39-year-old Hollywood A-lister, told The Enquirer that she never took the fact that things would someday work out between her and Penn for granted (via Boston Herald):

"There was ­- never a moment where we thought that this -- what we have today -- would ever be a possibility.

"I'm a very, very, very lucky girl."

The poor lovesick woman almost makes it sound like Sean Penn is doing her a favor by sleeping with her.

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