Initially it was being reported that sluggish ratings at The View prompted the TV show's ABC producers to fire Rosie Perez during her January hiatus to get ready for her next big Broadway play. According to the latest gossip news updates, however, Perez is actually quitting the cast because she can't stand working with onetime bestie, Rosie O'Donnell, any longer. Word has it that tensions were already running high when O'Donnell used something Perez had said off camera about the Bill Cosby rape scandal against her on the air.
When the story first broke last week that Rosie Perez had been let go from The View due to the show's being surpassed by The Talk in the ratings, Rosie O'Donnell made a big deal about the Variety article being false, but rumor has it that she is really the reason that Perez actually left all on her own.
A behind-the-scenes production sources claims in the latest February 2, issue of OK! Magazine that Rosie O's irascible behavior eventually just become too much for Perez to take:
"The final straw for Perez come during a debate about Bill Cosby, when her former pal used some of her off-air comments about the topic on-camera.
"After that incident, while taking time off from rehearsing for a Broadway play, Rosie Perez told her she was sick off all the bickering."
According to one insider, who recently spoke to In Touch Weekly, Rosie O'Donnell is having just as hard a time getting along with the people behind the scenes as she does her cast mates.
The spy insists it's nothing for Rosie to start screaming at the producers for some small slight, either real or imagined:
"It was an intense screaming match...She accused them of leaking information to the media.
"Ultimately, the argument was defused, but it got heated!
"It's not the first time that Rosie blew up at a producer."
With that kind of behind-the-scenes dynamic supposedly keeping everyone edgy and hostile at The View, is it any wonder that sunny Sara Gilbert and company are starting to win the ratings war?
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