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Play-N-Skillz ‘Literally I Can’t’ “Rape” Song Controversy: Should Lil Jon, LMAFO Redfoo, & Enertia McFly ‘Shut The F**K Up?’ [LYRICS] [MUSIC VIDEO]

Lately the nation has been engaged in an important discussion on women’s rights. Domestic abuse, equal pay, sexual harassment,and what constitutes consent are just some of the important topics trending on Twitter lately. However, there are some who prefer that everyone just “Shut the F**k Up.” Take Play-N-Skillz’ new song “Literally I Can’t” for example. The new track, featuring LMAFO’s Redfoo, Enertia McFly, and the always classy, Lil Jon, is causing quite the controversy for its seeming support of “rape culture.” Just check out the music vide below to see for yourself. We would say to pay extra close attention to the lyrics for the offensive lines, but they are kinda hard to miss.
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