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Tweet Seats Phenomenon Reaches Down to Musica Viva Australia (#musicaviva2014)

Limelight magazine, recently saved from closure by a last-minute new publisher, reports that Musica Viva Australia has introduced "tweet seats." It's an increasingly popular facility that allocates seats to dedicated tweeters, who send out their messages during a performance and urge their own followers and online connections to spread the word.
  • BBC Report of Sexist Dissent at Marin Alsop's Last Night Proms is Wrong...Right?

    There's an odd comment in a BBC report on the South Bank Center new season launch. Referring to the comments of SBC boss Jude Kelly that the classical music business is still weighted against women -- in many ways a fair comment and one that has been widely reported -- the Beeb suggested that there were dissenting voices from Marin Alsop's selection to conduct the Last Night of the Proms in 2013
  • Classicalite’s Five Best: Marilyn Horne Recordings

    Many happy returns to Marilyn Horne, who turns 80 years young this month! One of the truly iconic singers of the 20th century, the American mezzo may not grace our stages these days, but we have her dozens of recordings to remind us of that great, glorious voice and charismatic personality.
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