TRAILER: Violinist Joshua Bell's 'A YoungArts Masterclass' HBO Special Premieres Tuesday, October 14
Maya Beiser Perform in 'Films For Cello' as part of 'Bill Morrison: Compositions' at The Museum of Modern Art With Music By Michael Gordon, Michael Harrison
Classicalite favorite Maya Beiser will perform in Films for Cello as part of Bill Morrison: Compositions at The Museum of Modern Art later this month. The evening will feature films by Bill Morrison and music by Michael Gordon and Michael Harrison. The event is just short of Beiser’s Uncovered record release, featuring the music of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin and many others. British 'Popera' Singer Katherine Jenkins Stops by NYC Hotspot SubCulture October 9–11 for 'An Evening With' Series
There's been a lot of news encapsulating Katherine Jenkins' latest engagement to American filmmaker Andrew Levitas, and to keep her prolificacy alive as a "classical crossover" artist, she will make an appearance at SubCulture from October 9-11.