A League of Their Own: CD Baby Keeps Independent Musicians Paid in a Dog-Eat-Dog World
Gary Carr from 'Downton Abby' to Replace Anthony Mackie in Long Overdue Buddy Bolden Film
Downton Abby star Gary Carr has replaced Anthony Mackie as Buddy Bolden in the long-awaited biopic about the outlaw jazz legend. Dan Pritzker, director and writer of Bolden, has finally set plans in stone for a three-month shooting after a seven-year halt on production. Bugger Off, Bach: New Music Theory App, Meludia, Channels Colors to Teach a Digital Generation
If you're a recurring visitor here on Classicalite, then you may have heard or know a thing or two in dealing with music theory, and if you've ever had the pleasure of sifting through some of its channels, be it modern or coined by the archetypal demigod-slash-bad-ass Johann Sebastian Bach, it's a bit of a read.