Gary Carr from 'Downton Abby' to Replace Anthony Mackie in Long Overdue Buddy Bolden Film
Bugger Off, Bach: New Music Theory App, Meludia, Channels Colors to Teach a Digital Generation
If you're a recurring visitor here on Classicalite, then you may have heard or know a thing or two in dealing with music theory, and if you've ever had the pleasure of sifting through some of its channels, be it modern or coined by the archetypal demigod-slash-bad-ass Johann Sebastian Bach, it's a bit of a read. Out of the Family: Hasidic Girl Group Bulletproof Stockings Ban Men, Perform in New York City
Living in Williamsburg, the turf is divided accordingly. About a stone's throw in any direction lay neighborhoods strewn with Hasidic Jews, a population that is forever expanding from some 73,000 people and on. I've always wondered "do any of them play around town? If so, where?"