With a decision nearing in the Salman Khan hit and run trial appeal, the fundamenal question remains whether or not Khan was driving that night in September 2, 2002 when Salman Khan's SUV hit 4 homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk and ended up coming to a stop in a bakery. Was Salman Khan driving the vehicle? For a long time, it was thought that he was. That is until his driver. a man by the same of Ashok Singh, came forward and said he was actually the one who was driving.
Singh coming forth at the eleventh hour has been met with a good deal of skepticism and a lot of raised eyebrows. The sessions court wasn't too pleased by his late introduction either. This from DNA India. It is from the judgement order, "The accused never even suggested to the initial investigating officer, who recorded the FIR, as well as to later investigating officer Kishen Shengal that a tyre had burst and that it was Singh who was driving when it happened,"
Analyzing a lot of what has been written, seemingly, a number of witnesses and witness statements place Salman Khan getting out of the driver side door. From IndiaTVNews, " A witness, who is JW Mariott parking assistant, also confirmed that the Khan got behind the wheel of the SUV while leaving the hotel. His statement also reads that Salman tipped him Rs 500 and the actor was accompanied by three of his friends." But is the defense the only one not trying to muddy the water?
None of the article mention Salman's on the scene. Sometimes, articles place Khan at the scene. Others don't. Well, I guess we shall know soon.
Salman Khan is, if not anythng, very generous and more than wiiling to go the extra mile for his friends.Will his humanatarian efforts be all for naught?
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