Bollywood icon Salman Khan sent a person video message to a gathered group of handicapped children celebrating the first International Film Festival for Persons with Disabilities. Quickly becoming one of the most inspiring and humanitarian actors in the world, Khan deplored theaters owners for not showing some decency and making theaters more easily accessible to the handicap.
From the India Express comes Salman's speech, "I don't see differently-abled getting a chance to view films in theatres as most of them (theatres) don't have wheel chairs and other facilities. "I don't understand why the differently abled people should be left out of this. I feel very fortunate to have all my senses. But there are many who can see but not hear and some who can hear but not see, they all should go and enjoy and should be provided with the necessary facilities."
With the popularity of cinema in India, it is curious that someone hasn't taken the initative and started building more and better theaters in the country. Khan apologized for not being able to attend in person due to film commitments on his eagerly anticipated next film Sultan, and paid compliments to the festival organizers. This from Talking Moviez,"I don't understand why the differently abled people should be left out of this. I feel very fortunate to have all my senses. But there are many who can see but not hear and some who can hear but not see, they all should go and enjoy and should be provided with the necessary facilities."
Bajrangi Bhaijaan opened the festivities, More from Talking Movies, "Kabir Khan and Harshaali Malhotra opened the International Film Festival for Persons with Disabilities yesterday with a bang with 2015 Blockbuster, Bajrangi Bhaijaan. Salman Khan, who could not attend the festival due to tight shooting schedule of Sultan, sent a video message stating,"
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