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Halle Berry Sells Olivier Martinez Home? [DIVORCE NEWS]

It seems that David Justice claims that Halle Berry can go a little over-the-top following a break up might hold water after all. According to the latest gossip news updates, Catwoman is selling the home she and her soon-to-be ex-husband Olivier Martinez shared, now that they are getting a divorce. Word has it that the Extant star hates staying in a place once she's filled it with bad memories, but it's rumored that Martinez hasn't actually been living with Halle and the kids for quite some time.

It seems that when Halle Berry walks away from a relationship, she does her best to rid herself of any evidence it ever existed as soon as humanly possible.

One source in the latest December 7, issue of OK! Magazine claimed that Halle was going out of her way to sell the home she once shared with Martinez in order to find a place that was unsullied by his memory:

"Halle always sell the houses she's lived in with a guy after the relationship falls apart.

"She hates being surrounded by the memories and leftover energy. It's bad luck.

"She's looking for a fresh start in a brand-new place."

That might make more sense if Olivier was known for staying in Halle's mega-mansion, but more often than not Martinez was rumored to being staying at a hotel just to get some peace.

The secret insider that People spoke to claimed that long before they split, Halle and Olivier were barely seeing each other anymore:

"They are both aware that they have difficult personalities and have tried to stay in the marriage by not living together.

"Many times, Halle [had] been staying at the Malibu house and Olivier at the Chateau Marmont. Even though they are married, they always had very separate lives.

"Their marriage has never been what Olivier imagined it to be. It's been a disappointment to him."

What do you think about Halle Berry?

Could she really be as vindictive as people are saying?

Or, is it just as likely that Berry's exes are trying to make her look bad in the wake of their breakups?

Let us hear what you have to say about it in the comment field below.

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