Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor has let the cat out of the bag and, to no one's surprise, she has admitted that Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is a workaholic. She went further saying in an interview on Bollywood Life that Khan hates to leave movie sets. His commitment is total. There is no better proof of this than his newest film Sultan. In an effort to make the portrait of real-life wrestling champion Sultan Ali Khan complete, Salman is taking a page from his good buddy Aamir's book. Salman intends to use method and inhabit the character.
Salman's work ethic is legendary. His plate is always full, be it TV or movies, and yet he is always looking to take on more. Of recent, that has come to include the role of producer. From a Bollywood Life interview, Sonam had this to say, "Salman hates leaving set. He is a workaholic and he doesn't like to not work!"
And thus we come back to the upcoming film Sultan. Not only has Salman taken it upon himself to get in peak physical shape but he is learning a new language in the process. Back to Bollywood Life, "The language training begins after Salman completes his physical training. About the physical training a source informs, "Salman will be seen cultivating three body-types in Sultan. At the moment he is bulking up to look hefty for the scenes showing him indulging in mixed martial arts. He is undergoing extensive five-hour training with cardio, weight-training and stretching."
If, in the past, Salman Khan had this type of commitment to his craft, he would have saved himself a lot of grief because he simply wouldn't have had any time whatsoever to get into trouble. What is clear is that this is an immensely talented man. It isn't just hype.
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