In December, Salman Khan will be the last of the Khans to turn 50. As the three most famous Bollywood actors of today get older, they have all matured in their own little way and the alleged stories of bad blood that would every occasionally pop up, have all but disappeared. It seems that Salman, Shah Rukh and Aamir Khan have all matured and bonded.
To prove the good will, Aamir took the extraordinary step of wishing Salman and Shah Rukh a happy Dilwali. Aamir also wished Salman good luck with his new film Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. Aamir wishing SRK a happy birthday was a major step forward in the thawing of tensions between the two, according to the web site Business of Cinema, "Aamir earlier also wished SRK on his birthday and proved that the bad blood between them is long lost. Seems like the three Khans are more than happy to wish each other success. Drifting away from the petty competition, Salman, Aamir and SRK have suddenly become well-wishers for each other."
Shah Rukh and Salman have reportedly had their differences, but they also have patched things. So much so, that the two have taken up the task of promoting each other's work.
Well it seems that SRK also is not behind in motivating Salman for his upcoming film. King Khan, who is otherwise very competitive, took to the micro blogging site Twitter and shared a picture of himself hugging Salman. Not just that, Shah Rukh captioned the picture saying, "Prem Ratan Dhan Payo."
So, all appears to be peaceful among these three in Bollywoodland. The Khans aren't fighting and are getting along. The fiery passions of times past put aside for a more seasoned and respectful approach. Maybe there is hope for Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif.
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