The impending verdict in Salman Khan's hit and run case weighs heavy in the back of the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor's mind. Just like that, all the work he has done, to reform himself and his image, may all be for naught. It's hard to feel sorry for a man who has caused his own problems but the next person who claims to have never done anything stupid obviously hasn't got out much.
In a recent interview Khan expressed his worry. This via IndiaTvNews, "What is going to happen to the verdicts. If you add five...five years it comes to 10-15 years. That is a big worry on my parents head. It is a big one. It is not in magistrate court... it is in high court. Whatever will be my life's journey after that... will take it,"
In spite of the many worries, Khan has buried himself deep within his work. This last summer, he made himself known on the world stage with the mega hit Bajrangi Bhaijaan. As well, Khan is the host of the very popular Indian TV show Bigg Boss as well.
Speaking of the case, Khan's lawyer has accused the Bombay Police of tampering with the car that his client drove. Whether or not the left front tire of Khan's Toyota Land Cruiser had merely deflated or had blown is a key point and the subject of much conjecture by both sides. From IndiaTVNews, "While four to six prosecution witnesses testified at the trial that the front left tyre of the car had burst but the RTO officer who inspected the car said the tyre was in good condition but had only deflated.
Thus leaving Khan's lawyer to surmise, "We strongly believe that the tyre, a vital piece of evidence, has been tampered with.
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