The build up made it appear as if Deepika Padukone's Bajirao Mastani and Shah Rukh Khan's Dilwale would engage in a fierce box office battle. If they are to do battle, the numbers the trailer for Dilwale is pulling on YouTube do not bode well for Deepika's Bajirao Mastani. In its first 24 hours of release, the film's trailer pulled in 7.5 million views.
It has been two years since Mr. Khan and Mr. Shetty have worked together, and fans have eagerly anticipated Dilwale, as evidence by its number of pageviews. Not even a mixed critical reaction to the trailer could temper excitement. From Bollywood Life comes this, "And as expected, it was a complete package with loads of action, comedy and romance of course! The film is special in more than one way as it brings the successful duo of Rohit Shetty and SRK after two years and fans will finally get to see their most favourite jodi of Shah Rukh after a gap of five years."
However, for all love the film is getting, there are other sites not in the loving mood. Among them is DNA India. In an article basically damning the film, the web site claimed the trailer was a summation of all that was bad with Bollywood. Quote, "At first glance, the trailer looks amazing. But when you really think about it, you realise it's just a mash-up of Romeo and Juliet meets Josh on Fast and Furious cars in front of Windows 98 wallpapers."
It didn't stop there. In fact, the web site's venom was only beginning to spew. More from DNA, "On his 50th birthday, Shah Rukh Khan held forth on the topic that has been hitting headlines in the nation for a while - intolerance. Frankly, the unstinting way the audience tolerates the mediocre fare that Bollywood dishes out, should re-assure SRK about the nation's extremely high tolerance levels and should've been a point used by Anupam Kher and co. during their 'tolerance march'"
Judge for yourself.
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