The 'Star Wars: Battlefront III' live-action trailer raptures players in a way strangely reminiscent of the 'Left Behind' movie. Here's what really happened.
Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect 1 & 2) makes a cameo in the latest of the 'Star Wars: Battlefront III' trailers, and disappears in a puff of nothingness like so many other people before her. It all happens rather quickly, with hundreds of people across the world in various states of dress (or undress) vanishing instantly, leaving nothing but clothes behind. Very similar to the ever-so-beloved Left Behind movie. "Is Star Wars Battlefront about to unleash the Rapture? That's the idea on display in a new live-action trailer for this highly anticipated video game."
But as every die-hard fan probably guessed, no, it's not a Rapture. These people became One with the Force, just like Obi-Wan Kenobi did just before Darth Vader turned him into a shish-kebob back in Star Wars IV: A New Hope. This One-ness evidently also includes teleportation in to a galaxy far, far away (and a new set of threads) so that the recently raptured Anna Kendrick can join in the fight against/for the domination/freedom of the Empire/Rebel Alliance. Yeah, crazy, I know.
On the plus side, we get to see more cool stuff going on, blowing up, flying around, or getting force choked and thrown around battlefields, so it's all good in the end. Still, despite having plenty of action, this trailer appeals to players a bit differently than a lot of other live-action trailers have in the past. "Star Wars: Battlefront seems to be going for a different emotional approach than most franchises. The live-action is used less to showcase adrenaline pumping action, and more to make the players more relateable."
I'm looking forward the game. It may not live up to the hype or hopes of many fans, but I get to shoot Rebels. That's enough to make me happy.
So what do you think of the trailer? What were your first thoughts on seeing it?
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