Jimmy Kimmel Live is famous for its "Kimmel Kids: Out of Focus Group" skits in which Kimmel invites several young children, usually between the ages of 5 and 6, to his show for a not-so-serious talk about hot button issues. The most recent of these interviews revolved around whether or not a female could be president and featured a surprise guest, Hillary Clinton. The even bigger surprise turned out to be just how sexist children can be while still being innocent of the repercussions.
Like many of Kimmel's "Out of Focus Group" discussions, the chat starts out innocent of enough. Introductions are made. Pleasantries are exchanged. Then the talk begins in earnest and it does not take long before it devolves into a bevy of the expected sexist comments, mostly from the two little boys. Deadline sums up quite nicely what is said by the kids when Kimmel asks whether or not they think a woman could be president. "The two little girls were all for it. The two boys - not so much. A woman would be too 'girly,' and would put the White House in danger of being painted pink."
It was said in the most adorable way possible, but it also makes you realize Mother Goose may have been right. Little boys just might be made of puppy dog tails. Though, we really shouldn't be too surprised by the decidedly sexist divide. After all, when you are that age everyone of the opposite sex has cooties.
When Kimmel asks the "panel" if they felt a woman president would be able to win a war, there were some pretty interesting answers. "While the boys argued that a woman president would lose a war against a man, a girl reasoned to cheers from the audience, "If there was a war, she would probably make it stop so people can be more healthy and they won't die." Perhaps the wee lass has a point seeing as how women, as a rule, would prefer to talk out their problems instead of fight them out.
Despite their differences of opinion, the children did stand united on one topic: Freebies. All four thought it sounded like a good idea for Clinton to enact a law that would make restaurants give out free food and stores give out free toys. While it would admittedly be nice not to have to pay for such items, I can't say it would do much for the economy.
While the kids show us there is still much improvement needed in the way of teaching our children equality of the sexes, at least they were able to find some common ground in the end.
You are welcome to use the comments below to tell us what your kids think about having a female president.
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