ABC’s Once Upon A Time is known for putting a spin on the classic fairy tales, but now the show is taking a classic Disney Princess, or Prince or villain, in a brave new direction. The show starring Josh Dallas, Ginnifer Goodwin and Jennifer Morrison is said to be exploring a LGBT relationship in the upcoming fifth season. The news comes shortly after it was revealed that lesbian character Mulan (Jamie Chung) would be returning.
Co-creator and showrunner Edward Kitsis recently spoke with Entertainment Weekly about the show featuring an LGBT relationship in the new season.
“We know that community have been big supporters of the show and we would love to be able to tell a love story that reflects that.”
A lesbian relationship between Mulan (Jamie Chung) and Sleeping Beauty Aurora (Sarah Bolger) was teased in Season 3, but the characters disappeared shortly after. However, co-creator and showrunner Adam Horowitz went on to add that we might be seeing a different LGBT character or set of characters:
“We want the show to reflect the world as it is now. Whether that’s going to be with any particular character, we’re not going to say.”
Kitsis went on to confirm that we differently will be seeing it happen this year, saying:
“But it is something that we’re going to do this year”
Whether or not “this year” means the first half of the season or the second part in 2016 is still unknown. However, Mulan will appear in both halves.
What do you think about the news? Do you the gay character(s) will be? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
Season 5 of Once Upon A Time airs this September 27, 2015 on ABC.
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