You'll excuse some people being confused when they hear about the rift between Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan. Deepika's film debut Om Shanti Om was opposite SRK and, at that time, was the highest box office earner in Indian cinema history. Then a funny thing called life reared its ugly head and rumors began to swirl that a rift between Deepika and SRK over a clash in release dates of films overlapping. Reportedly, SRK was very unhappy but Deepika denies any fight with her mentor.
Deepika rubbished rumors, saying they couldn't be any further from the truth. To Deepika, their relationship couldn't be any better. Quoted from the website the Business of Cinema, "I have never been intimidated or scared when it comes to him and I give him the credit for it. I am very, very dependent on him now in terms of...(breaks off) You know there are always those few equations in everyone's lives that you build along the way and you know that you can rely on those people. You can trust them and rely on them to be there if you're ever stuck or confused about anything in life. He is definitely that person in my life. I think that's how the relationship has evolved."
The two actors have been in three films together and share a great onscreen chemistry. Also, all three films, Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express and Happy New Year, have all been major box office successes. So, is it really just that their films will come in competition with each other or is there more to it? A source told Filmibeat, "Competitiveness is one thing. But you cannot have this attitude towards the man who gave you a break and made you a star. SRK was not happy with her attitude, but he is not the kind to make a public display of his emotions. He launched her and he even set an example with Chennai Express when he insisted that his leading lady's name come ahead of his."
Perhaps SRK is having difficulty dealing with a strong woman? What do you think? Do you think there is trouble between these two Bollywood legends? Tell us in the comments.
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